There have been huge societal and technological advances since British Science Week launched 25 years ago. Professor Jim Al-Khalili OBE FRS explains how the UK is now a global leader in AI.
More girls are aspiring to be scientists than ever - so much so that it has now entered the top 10 dream careers for girls today. Max Jennings from Hoop explains how more girls can be persuaded to study STEM subjects.
The UK has the biggest offshore wind farms in the world. Offshore wind is a British success story on a grand scale, thanks to UK-led innovation, and the combined efforts of industry and government, writes Benj Sykes, Co-Chair of the Offshore Wind Industry Council and Ørsted UK Country Manager for Offshore.
The Solent holds a special place in the UK’s history as a global trading nation. This industrial cluster is now home to businesses which are putting the UK at the forefront of a global industry of the future, writes Julian Brown, Vice President and UK Country Manager, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind.
People are one of the foundations of the modern Industrial Strategy. Improving people’s skills, helping them access good jobs, supporting whole-life wellbeing and delivering more opportunities are at its heart, writes Dr Grace Lordan from London School of Economics.
Transportation has undergone a technological revolution in the last decade with apps like Citymapper and Uber helping us move quickly and efficiently. But traffic management hasn't changed in 30 years, until now, writes Peter Mildon of Vivacity Labs.
Prime Minister Theresa May last week met with Local Enterprise Partnership leaders to discuss our modern Industrial Strategy. In this post, Dave Axam of Enterprise M3 explains why it's so important for us to invest in our people and businesses as we leave the EU.
The Future of Mobility Grand Challenge is driving a profound change in how we move people, goods and services around our towns and cities. Professor Warren Manning from the University of Derby looks at the momentum the strategy could provide for innovation in the way we do business.
Brexit, artificial intelligence, global trade wars – the challenges facing UK workers seeking to get a foot on the career ladder have never been greater. Dave Axam, Chair of Enterprise at the M3 Local Enterprise Partnership, explains why we should be positive as we enter 2019.
The new Aerospace Sector Deal sets out a programme of joint government and industry investment in the innovation needed to develop the next generation of aerospace technology here in the UK, writes Paul Everitt from ADS, the sector's industry representative.
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About this blog [Archived]
Our modern Industrial Strategy sets out a long term plan to boost the productivity and earning power of people throughout the UK.
This blog explains what we're doing and showcases the stories of businesses, academia and civil society working to make the Industrial Strategy a reality.