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Embracing machine learning to keep us all moving

City road with in Birmingham

Transportation has undergone a technological revolution in the last decade with apps like Citymapper and Uber helping us move quickly and efficiently. But traffic management hasn't changed in 30 years, until now, writes Peter Mildon of Vivacity Labs.

Why do we have an Industrial Strategy?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: AI and data, Business environment, Clean growth, Good work, Grand Challenges, Ideas, People, Places
LEP chairs from across the UK outside 10 Downing Street.

Prime Minister Theresa May last week met with Local Enterprise Partnership leaders to discuss our modern Industrial Strategy. In this post, Dave Axam of Enterprise M3 explains why it's so important for us to invest in our people and businesses as we leave the EU.

How innovation can transform our towns and cities

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Future of mobility, Grand Challenges, Ideas, Infrastructure, People, Places
Car taillights on a motorway at night

The Future of Mobility Grand Challenge is driving a profound change in how we move people, goods and services around our towns and cities. Professor Warren Manning from the University of Derby looks at the momentum the strategy could provide for innovation in the way we do business.

How educational equity across academic and vocational training can fuel innovation and productivity

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: AI and data, Business environment, Good work, Grand Challenges, Ideas, People, Places, Productivity, Strategy
Student learning car maintenance

Brexit, artificial intelligence, global trade wars – the challenges facing UK workers seeking to get a foot on the career ladder have never been greater. Dave Axam, Chair of Enterprise at the M3 Local Enterprise Partnership, explains why we should be positive as we enter 2019.

How the Aerospace Sector Deal will help develop flight technology of the future

The new Aerospace Sector Deal sets out a programme of joint government and industry investment in the innovation needed to develop the next generation of aerospace technology here in the UK, writes Paul Everitt from ADS, the sector's industry representative.

Inside the UK - India Artificial Intelligence Trade Mission

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Roundtable of AI delegates from the UK and India.

Artificial intelligence is high on the technology agenda for governments around the world, with the UK and India being leading examples. Here, Will Crosthwait unveils discussions held between the two countries during a recent trade mission to India.

Why thinking local really matters in delivering a national Industrial Strategy

2 workers adding finishing touches to a Bentley car.

The government threw down a gauntlet to Local Enterprise Partnerships to deliver regional business growth and innovation when it published its Industrial Strategy White Paper last November. Here, Christine Gaskell explains the importance of Local Industrial Strategies.

Why is Oxfordshire at the heart of global autonomous vehicle development?

Small electric car speeding down a street.

The Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark visited the Culham Science Centre-based Oxbotica to announce the UK government has committed £25m towards three autonomous vehicle projects. Why was this announcement made in Oxfordshire? Simply put, we are at the heart of connected and autonomous vehicle developments globally.

How McLaren is building on Sheffield's strengths to bring in new investment and boost productivity

A number of McLaren cars parking outside a show room

Ideas, people, infrastructure, business environment and places are the five foundations of the UK Industrial Strategy which was published one year ago this week. The newly opened, £50m McLaren Composites Technology Centre encompasses all of them.