Paving the way to the new digital frontier

Faster digital connectivity will boost productivity. Here, Dr Jeremy Silver from Digital Catapult explains how his organisation's work will boost give a boost to businesses and the economy.
Dr Jeremy Silver is Chief Executive Officer of the Digital Catapult.
Faster digital connectivity will boost productivity. Here, Dr Jeremy Silver from Digital Catapult explains how his organisation's work will boost give a boost to businesses and the economy.
The new 5G testbed in Brighton is the start of something special, innovative and very exciting. It’s maybe not quite the dawn of a new age, but it’s not an exaggeration to suggest that we are about to experience profound change as a result of this technology.
Our modern Industrial Strategy sets out a long term plan to boost the productivity and earning power of people throughout the UK.
This blog explains what we're doing and showcases the stories of businesses, academia and civil society working to make the Industrial Strategy a reality.